Hi, I’m Hailey

Canon Event: an inevitable event or action that shapes a person and defines who they are.

To paint a picture of who I am, here’s a list of my own personal canon events and how these happenings have shaped who I am today. Some call it the butterfly effect, some call it fate. Either way, enjoy!

  • Went hunting with my dad for the first time

  • I’ve now been vegan for 8 years

  • Met a girl who galloped around the playground in first grade

  • Discovered a lifelong passion (please hire me so I can afford to do it again. Riding horses that is, not pretending to be one)

  • Realized depression wasn’t a phase

  • Adopted my soul cat, Pitbull (aka Mr. Worldwide)

  • Older sister’s middle school crush gave her a bracelet with a band’s name on it

  • I’ve now seen my favorite band in concert 8+ times

  • Went on a walk and rescued an injured pigeon

  • Learned that sometimes birds just get stunned and can’t move… but they will. Eventually.

  • Followed a college peer on instagram

  • You’re now here perusing through my Denver Ad School portfolio

This is only a handful of the most influential moments in my life. If you’d like to get to know me even better, my contact info is down below. :)